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Ciocan C. (2009): Philosophical Concepts and Religious Metaphors: New Perspectives on Phenomenology and Theology, Zeta Books

Cristian Ciocan (ed.)

Philosophical Concepts
and Religious Metaphors:
New Perspectives on Phenomenology and Theology
(Studia Phaenomenologica, Special issue 2009)

Availability: Paperback & Electronic (pdf)
Publication date: 10 July 2009
Size: 6 x 8.65 in
Pages: 286
Language: English, French, German
ISBN: 978-973-1997-30-8 (paperback)
ISBN: 978-973-1997-31-5 (ebook)

Today it might be needless to remind that the relationship between phenomenology and theology is one of the most debated topics in the field
of continental philosophy. Beginning with the Husserlian investigations of religious life, passing through Heidegger’s discussion of the sacred, and ending with the “theological turn” of the French phenomenology (admittedly illustrated by E. Levinas, M. Henry, J.-L. Marion or J.-Y. Lacoste), in conjunction with the ever-growing interest of contemporary theologians in the phenomenological method, the conceptual boundaries between these two “types of discourse” have been ceaselessly shifted. Until this day the subject remains highly controversial and, indeed, bears witness to a necessary discussion in contemporary thought



JEAN-LUC MARION, The Recognition of Gift
JEAN-YVES LACOSTE, La chose et le sacré
JAD HATEM, íŠtre la vérité
ROLF KíœHN, “Wahrheit” als Ur-Intelligibilití¤t des Lebens
MICHAEL PURCELL, Sacramental Signification and Ecclesial Exteriority: Derrida and Marion on Sign
JAVIER BASSAS VILA, Écriture phénoménologique et théologique : Fonctions du «comme », «comme si » et «en tant que » chez Jean-Luc Marion
SYLVAIN CAMILLERI, La métaphorisation du lexique augustinien comme herméneutique phénoménologique: le jeune Heidegger et Jean-Louis Chrétien
CRISTIAN CIOCAN, Heidegger, l’attente de la parousie et l’íªtre pour la mort
TOMOKAZU BABA, Du mode d’existence paí¯enne selon Levinas
JAMES E. FAULCONER, Theological and philosophical transcendence: Bodily excess; the word made flesh
LEO STAN, Kierkegaard on Temporality and God Incarnate
BEíTA Tí”TH, Gift as God – God as Gift? Notes Towards Rethinking the Gift of Theology
KRISTIEN JUSTAERT, Subjects in Love: Julia Kristeva on the “Consciousness of the Flesh”